People talk about resolutions they want to make and leaves they want to turn, but me....well, I have to disagree with the thought.
Yes, there are things that I want to change and do better, but it shouldn't be JUST the new year that is going to make it happen.
It seems quite silly actually.
We just give the excuse, "It's a fresh start which means a new and fresh me."
As odd as it may seem, it just doesn't "start over".
There is no 2012 again....ever.
It's gone.
You can't "start over" and try the year over again.
You just have to start with an open mind, but.......
I go to the fact that God doesn't start over on us; he NEVER gives up on us.
I can assure you that I had MANY times this year where I just wanted to say, "Forget it. I give up."
In some cases, I did.
It's funny because obviously even though I said it, I didn't.
So I say to this, I will welcome the things that are headed my way.
Good and bad.
I'm sticking with it.
I'm prepared for the hurt that I'm going to feel.
I'm ready for the successes I will accomplish.
I have my mind set on the goals that I have to tackle and I won't stop fighting for them.
I'm embracing 2013 with open arms and giving 2012 a kiss goodbye.
Thanks and Gig 'em.
I do, before I go, want to show a few of my favorite moments from this year.
Showing them and seeing them makes me smile.
Mission 'X' carried out by the boys <3
Team Toothless.
many baking adventures.
The Rocket Summer! <3
saving my baby girl,
and watching her grow. :3
© E. Stevens Photography 2012
watching my sister fall in love and get engaged to the man of her dreams.
even though it's silly, I got a reply from one of the biggest inspirations I have! :D
becoming an RA and having an awesome, kick-butt staff. ;)
meeting this awesome guy-whatadayderek. ;)
best friends who find ways to make you melt <3
watching my Ags, and finding some of my favorite people in random places.
going to Songfest with Kelsie... ;)
meeting Aaron Gillespie.
going to Costa Rica....kicking and screaming. :)
having my own Skype concert with one of my absolute favorite artists, Austin Nivarel.
having a best friend who has been there for you and always will be.
and lastly, for growing.
Thanks for sticking with me and helping me realize that I can do this.
"You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." -Psalm 16:11
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